Delivered quickly: the original FINK spare parts

Fast delivery times

We ship overnight, by parcel service, truck or courier, air freight and sea freight - fast, safe and professional.

First-class consulting

Properly consulted - the FINK service

Tell us the type and serial number of your machine, and we will search for the proper original FINK part, and organize quick and safe transport. But we are also open for any “highly customized” inquiries.

Quality that fits: the FINK original spare parts

Precision and durability

We manufacture in Germany and take advantage of short routes and alignment processes. This enables us to achieve superior quality, accuracy and durability.

Always at hand: the original FINK spare parts

High availability

To quickly resolve a problem, the availability of critical parts and components is essential for you in case of need. That's why we stuck around 15,000 parts in our modern central warehouse.

Delivered quickly: the original FINK spare parts

Fast delivery times

We ship overnight, by parcel service, truck or courier, air freight and sea freight - fast, safe and professional.

First-class consulting

Properly consulted - the FINK service

Tell us the type and serial number of your machine, and we will search for the proper original FINK part, and organize quick and safe transport. But we are also open for any “highly customized” inquiries.

Quality that fits: the FINK original spare parts

Precision and durability

We manufacture in Germany and take advantage of short routes and alignment processes. This enables us to achieve superior quality, accuracy and durability.

Always at hand: the original FINK spare parts

High availability

To quickly resolve a problem, the availability of critical parts and components is essential for you in case of need. That's why we stuck around 15,000 parts in our modern central warehouse.

Schnell geliefert: das Original FINK Ersatzteil

Rasante Lieferzeiten

Wir versenden über Nacht, per Paketdienst, LKW oder Kurier, per Luftfracht und Seefracht – schnell, sicher und professionell.

Gut beraten - der FINK Service

Erstklassige Beratung

Sie sagen uns die Typ- und Seriennummer Ihrer Maschine, wir suchen Ihnen das passende Original FINK Teil und organisieren den schnellen und sicheren Transport. Aber auch für Anfragen "jenseits der Stange" haben wir immer ein offenes Ohr.

Qualität, die passt: das Original FINK Ersatzteil

Präzision und Langlebigkeit

Wir fertigen in Deutschland und profitieren von kurzen Wegen und Abstimmungsprozessen. So erreichen wir höchste Qualität, Passgenauigkeit und Langlebigkeit.

Immer griffbereit: das Original FINK Ersatzteil

Hohe Verfügbarkeit

Die Verfügbarkeit von kritischen Teilen und Komponenten ist für Sie im Bedarfsfall essentiell, um eine Störung schnell beheben zu können. Deswegen halten wir rund 15.000 Teile in unserem modernen Zentrallager vorrätig.

Home > Service > Logistics


We offer fast delivery times - worldwide.

For this, we cooperate closely and trustfully with freight forwarders and freight service providers. Our logistics service thereby utilizes all kinds of shipping methods, for example:

  • by truck (single shipments, consolidated shipments, scheduled shipments)
  • by parcel service
  • by overnight shipment
  • by courier
  • by air freight
  • by sea-freight

As always, we also work according to customer request and your precise requirements in this area. Of course you can rely on a careful, cost-friendly packaging, carried out by a trained specialist staff.

+49 (0)9153 / 970 970

second hand machinery

Baumschinen Fink - a member of FINK Group

Worldwide service

Baumaschinen Fink image film on YouTube watch