Always at hand: the original FINK spare parts

High availability

To quickly resolve a problem, the availability of critical parts and components is essential for you in case of need. That's why we stuck around 15,000 parts in our modern central warehouse.

Delivered quickly: the original FINK spare parts

Fast delivery times

We ship overnight, by parcel service, truck or courier, air freight and sea freight - fast, safe and professional.

Properly consulted - the FINK service

First-class consulting

Tell us the type and serial number of your machine, and we will search for the proper original FINK part, and organize quick and safe transport. But we are also open for any “highly customized” inquiries.

Quality that fits: the FINK original spare parts

Precision and durability

We manufacture in Germany and take advantage of short routes and alignment processes. This enables us to achieve superior quality, accuracy and durability.

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Over 15.000 parts in stock

We can help you to ensure the performance capability of your machine fleet.

Thanks to our active support, it will be easy for you to maintain your machines, or to quickly repair them in case of a fault. The foundation for this is our well-stocked central warehouse in Schnaittach. Here, we keep more than 15,000 parts in stock. This enables us to quickly supply you with all the required spare and wear parts. Usually the ordered parts leave the warehouse the same day.

+49 (0)9153 / 970 970

Baumschinen Fink - a member of FINK Group

Worldwide service

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