Original FINK Wear parts screed

Original FINK Screed guidance

Original FINK auger screw

Original FINK Material hopper

Used machine from FINK

Used machine from FINK

Original FINK Ski

Home > Services > Screeds


The purpose of the screed is to evenly distribute the mixed material across the entire installation width, and to create a closed, flat structure.

Strong forces act upon on all parts of the screed. With the original FINK parts you can rely on quality, which is able to reliably meet high demands for a long time.

Here, we don't just offer you the spare and wear parts for your existing paving screed, but also paving screed extenders for greater operating widths if they are required. Here, the packages include all the parts for the left and right extension part.

We offer the following parts for paving screeds:

  • Screed plates

  • Pressure bars (depending on the paving screed)

  • Tamper bars

  • Heating rods

  • Insulating and mounting material

  • Paving screed repair kit

  • Paving screed extender and repair kit (right and left)

As always with FINK, you can obtain the parts as a service package, but also order every part individually.


Are you interested?


Then please contact us in writing or call us under +49 9153 / 970 970.


+49 (0)9153 / 970 970

Baumschinen Fink - a member of FINK Group

second hand machinery

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